Hmmm, Nat. HMMMM.

The most efficient way to get from Antarctica to Europe is probably something like this– a train on a direct route, at the bottom of the ocean where weather or waves can’t affect it. You can have it zig-zag a bit when it crosses a continental divide so that earthquakes aren’t likely to break it, and you don’t have to tunnel through rock except at the start and finish. The only problem is the pressure crushing your magnetic tube into something the width of a pencil. But a society that can terraform Mars, build spaceships and space elevators, and scan and download entire brains can surely solve that problem.

By the way, I made a video of some of my colouring process, and I’ve linked it on my Ko-Fi page. You can watch it here!

And check out this great review of the Star Trek comic I drew for the Failure to Launch anthology here!

↓ Transcript
Panel 1: Nat has a plastic tube-shaped container thing with an open cap at one end. She shakes it and two little pills come out into her hand.
Panel 2: She shoves the pills in her mouth.
Panel 3: She lays down on her seat with her legs curled up. Nat: "I'm gonna grab some sleep. Watch my stuff while I'm out, yeh?"
Panel 4: She immediately falls asleep and snores loudly. Zaynab and Maida look at each other.
Panel 5: The train is speeding through a cylindrical tube surrounded by darkness.
Panel 6: The tube is fixed to the bottom of the ocean, with nothing to see in the dark surroundings.